The Foundational SEL Program for Schools!
More than a standard social emotional learning program. Through a comprehensive plan this modular learning program is for both students, teachers, faculty, and parents. It illustrates how the brain works, how that affects our emotions and responses. It addresses areas of responsibility, conflict resolution, empathy, anger, anxiety/worry, fear, sadness/depression, making friends, inclusion, mindfulness, gratitude, coping with death and grief, sharing, and more.
Using Managing Your SELf!® In Your School
AVAILABLE NOW for grades K-12! We would love to help you bring Ozzy and Neo to your campus and work with you to pilot the program. Managing Your SELf!® changes focus as children get older. Elementary and Middle schools focus on learning to manage their emotions, reactions and behaviors, while High school moves further, including individual, reliable and high-validity Personality Assessment and career identification!
Certification for one educator/counselor and purchase of the tools is the only requirement. We also ask for an agreement to participate in recording assessments. Training for the professional is an initial 20-hour course, done live, virtually or even on the phone in follow-up and support sessions, and support is available 7 days a week by phone, text, email or on our web portal!
MYS Foundations for Elementary/Middle
MYS for High School
Part 1
10 lessons, 30-40 minutes each, utilizing the concepts in the book Managing Your Crazy Self!, by Randy Guttenberger.
Part 2
Lessons incorporating character education and application of the skills learned in Part One of the program to address SEL components.
Part 3
Circular Learning: Lessons can begin in Pre-K and progress each year, building on the previous year, so that children learn social-emotional strategies much the way they learn academics.
Part 1
18 weeks, 36 lessons, 40-50 minutes each, utilizing the concepts in the book Managing Your Crazy Self!, by Randy Guttenberger.
Part 2
Lessons incorporating character education and application of the skills learned in Part One of the program to address SEL components.
Part 3
Behavior tendencies, personality style and motivators are used to aid students in career direction! MYS uses Personality Assessments with high-validity and reliability to provide Career guidance tailored to personality tendencies and motivators!
A Comprehensive SEL Approach - Staff, Teams, Parents, Students
An integral part of social-emotional learning is addressing the adults on campus. In that regard, Managing Your Crazy Self! provides adult level workshops for School Boards, District Leaders, Campus Leaders, Educators and Staff, so they can better understand themselves and others. This component offers insights into individual behavior styles, addresses good mental health practices, provides effective communication tools, improves leadership skills, and provides instruction in trauma-informed care.
Additionally, we train you to provide Parent Workshops! This aids in reinforcing what students are learning in the program, and gives parents the tools to help students with:
Reaching CASEL goals and MORE!
Success Stories:
Goal Setting & Decision Making
Test Anxiety
Conflict Resolution
Making Friends
Study Skills
Completing Homework
Parent and Peer Communication
Skills for Classroom Focus
HS Career Guidance
HS Behavior Tendencies
HS Understanding Motivators
HS Preparing for the Future
HS Matching Personality & Career
HS Self-Identity
HS Time Management
and Much More!
"A mother reported by phone that since his child has coming to the SEL group his level of anxiety has been reduced considerably. When I asked her to elaborate more about it, the mother said that one day she counted 40 texts that his child had sent her in a period of 10 minutes, “come and get me, where are you?” and now he hasn’t texted her anymore with those type of messages. She added, “whatever he is doing in that group is working!”." -Elem School Counselor
"During a parent conference, I shared information with the parents and teachers about a student’s ostrich and told them his ostrich’s name. The student had a meltdown in class and the teacher immediately went over to him and kindly shared that she recognized that his ostrich Joe was alerting him. The teacher said the student’s eyes looked big and shocked that his teacher recognize it. He immediately started to calm down and regroup himself within minutes. Prior to teaching the students the MYS SEL program, this student would abruptly leave class without permission and yell throughout the hall. It would take a least an hour and several stern warnings to calm him and get him back to class. After the SEL lessons the number of outbursts and visits to the office decreased." -School Counselor
"Students in the MYS group help each other by reminding each other that their ostrich is coming out. While in a MYS group session a teacher come to tell student that he had to leave the room to go for lunch detention. The student turned red and pushed his meal away and another student reminded him to send the ostrich, "Ozzy" down the river and to let Rhino being in charge. Everyone laughed and the student responded calmly that he already had eaten most of his lunch and smiled. It was very good, since this student had issues with self-regulating. The teacher was surprised that the student didn't complain nor argue as he had done it in the past." - School Counselor
"... a 6 year old [diagnosed severe ODD] who was throwing desks at school often multiple times daily. I taught him how to manage his thoughts and emotions by naming his ostrich. He named it John Cena, the wrestler. By putting his ostrich in a corner he hasn't thrown his desk again for 8 months now." - School Counselor

Bringing Managing Your SELf!® To Your School
Choose a counselor or educator to be in charge of the program and have them certified in MYS! They will receive live and video training, as well as access to a web portal with all they need in support materials, tracking, and video tutorials. Access endures for one year with auto-renewal available. On the portal they can purchase consumables with bulk pricing, replace damaged tools, even order a full replacement Tool Kit!
We are eager to talk with you about the possibility of improving attendance, scores, and behaviors in your school!
Call today! 281-703-6782. We accept grant funding as well through our non-profit, www.mysedu.org!